Adjustment of Status at the USCIS Field Office in Seattle, WA
Adjustment of Status (Green Card) Interviews
Our law firm handles Adjustment of Status applications, primarily in USCIS' Seattle jurisdiction. Our immigration lawyers have experience with the USCIS Field Office in Seattle, Washington. We advise, prepare and accompany our clients to Adjustment of Status (green card) interviews in Seattle. While the interview itself is not adversarial in straight-forward cases, it can be when the government suspects fraud and/or misrepresentation. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) (the government agency to which USCIS belongs) has officers in its Seattle field office who are specifically trained to conduct "fraud interviews." These individuals are called Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) officers. It is especially important to have legal counsel if the government has alleged fraud and/or misrepresentation after your Adjustment of Status (green card) interview or if you are scheduled for an interview where you believe FDNS officers will be present (a common situation if you are asked back for a second interview).
Fraud Can Lead to DenialIf the FDNS officer believes that the green card applicant has committed fraud, the Field Office Director may send you a letter either denying your case or requesting that you submit a waiver of inadmissibility.
Waiver of InadmissibilityIf you have been sent a letter requesting a waiver of inadmissibility due to fraud, you must have a qualifying relative who can submit the waiver on your behalf. Your qualifying relative must prove to the government that s/he would suffer extreme hardship if you are unable to be granted lawful permanent residency.
Appeals or Re-filing?If your case is denied outright, you have the right to an appeal. Appeals may or may not be a good idea, depending on the facts of your case and why you were denied. There are other strategies to pursue, such as simply re-filing your case. If you re-file your case, do so with the assistance of an immigration attorney.